A New Hope...
...It is a period of fandom insanity. Robot builders, striking from a hidden workshop...Oh well, enough of that ;) Hello to all fellow R2 builders and of course to everyone else as well!
Welcome to my all new R2 blog. Yes, yet another R2 building blog, but with a slightly different twist to it. As some of you will know, I've already build my budget droid, and the static version is pretty much done, but I missed to properly document my building process.
But as we all know, a droid is never finished, and now that I ordered one of those all-aluminium UBER domes and I'm waiting for it to arrive so I can upgrade my droid, I thought I might as well start a nice little blog where I will keep track of my droid pimpin' actions! ;)
I hope I will be able to fill this space with useful information, nice anecdotes and lots of R2 building madness soon!
Let out your inner Jawa!